I hear this all the time. And I bet you hear this all the time:
"I'm just getting older...man my body just isn't the same"
It kind of makes me laugh. Most people don't consider the need to stay limber and youthful through addressing their body's mobility and stability concerns (notice I didn't say pain) on a regular basis.
Have you ever been to a medical or orthopedic doctor because you know something in your body feels funny? Then they tell you your fine and there's nothing to worry about....But you still do. Well I assert that there's probably some mobility or stability concern going on with your body that could be addressed.
I have a nameless patient that is having toe pain right now. This patient has already had certain issues with her toe in the past and is concerned that the same problem, which was orthopedically 'fixed' is coming back. Having said that, the pain isn't quite as bad as it got last time so she is hesitant to address the toe.
I invite you to consider that even though it doesn't hurt (that bad), there's a problem! Whether it's a mobility problem of the ankle, foot, or toes, or a stability problem of the arch of the foot; I'm willing to bet that something can be addressed to impove the outcome before the toe gets to all out pain.
Ouch my sesamoid hurts! |
There are always 'silent dysfunctions' in your body. These are the compensations we use that rob us of our efficiency and increase the wear and tear of the body. Addressing these 'dysfunctions' through regular chiropractic care (1-2x/mo) limits the aging of the body so that in 15 years your not saying "oh I'm just getting older". To check out more visit www.Mobility-4Life.com