Cryo therapy has been around for years in the form of Ice Baths (Picture old time NFL players). The purpose was to decrease inflammation in the body, stimulate increased healing rates of old injuries and improve overall energy in the body. To read more about the historical ice baths click here.
CryoSauna therapy benefits
- Prevents Injury
- Speeds Recovery
- Keeps Muscles Limber
- Clears the Meridians
- Repairs Muscle
- Decreased inflammation
- Feels Good Afterwards
- Decreased Muscle soreness/stiffness
- Decreased joint pain
- Burn 500-800 calories in 3 minutes!
Now there is some controversy these days regarding ice therapy vs. heat therapy and if ice therapy is even beneficial to people. At this point what we recommend is that it is for some people, and it's not for everyone. Some people swear by ice therapy and feel as though they get fantastic results. If that's not you...then this isn't for you.
The theory of this treatment is that when the cold nitrogen is sprayed onto the skin, the body thinks it's in a subzero environment and blood flow gets altered from the extremities, into the internal organs. While it's in the internal organs, the blood gets oxygenated from the internal organs and lung blood vessels which carry the highest oxygen content of blood in the body. Once the treatment is complete, the highly oxygenated blood is re-delivered to the extremities leaving you feeling like a million bucks.
It's like a highly effective RE-SET button on your body!
This gets great results with runners, triathletes, football players and anyone else that is putting a great deal of stress on their bodies.
If you have questions or are interested in CryoSauna therapy, you can call our office at 561.997.8898 or email me directly at To check out more visit