There are two kinds: one is just to the outside of the shin bone, one is just to the inside.
What causes it? Typically one of 4 things. It's probably an alignment issue of the lower body stemming from an inflexibility in the foot, ankle, knee or hip. Sometimes it's a stability problem of the arch of the foot as well. Flexibility in the joints of your lower extremity serve as the shock absorbers to your lower body. When you have muscle or joint restrictions in the foot, ankle, knee or hip you will add more stress to the lower legs. Shin splints occur because the two possible muscles involved (tibial is anterior or posterior) are the smallest, thinnest muscles of the lower leg aka the weakest link.
How can you tell if you are at risk for this problem? 4 ways. This will be fun to do on your own
Knee flexibility: can you easily pull your knee up to make contact with your butt and easily lock out the knee?
Ankle flexibility: this ones tricky. Kneel on one knee with the front foot about one fists distance from the wall. Can you lean forward and touch your knee to the wall (just slightly to the outside of the foot) without your heel coming off he ground?
Toe flexibility: while standing press your toe into the ground and lift your heel up as high as possible. What angle does the foot make in relation to the toe? If its less than 70-90 degrees than you have a problem.
Toe flexibility: while standing press your toe into the ground and lift your heel up as high as possible. What angle does the foot make in relation to the toe? If its less than 70-90 degrees than you have a problem.
To improve your flexibility you can do joint mobilizations.
Mobilizations that are just like the assessments. Rock back and forth into the end range of motion with the particular joint that your trying to affect. Don't hold it too long, then you'll be stretching a muscle. Joint mobilizations are more effective to making the difference than muscle stretching is.
If you already have shin splints I recommend getting an evaluation with your local sports
medicine professional. Be careful, if you let the problem go too long it
could turn into a stress fracture which is a pain in the neck to get
rid of. Feel free to schedule an appointment in my office in Boca Raton by dialing us at 561.997.8898 or emailing me directly at To check out more visit
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