Is this you? Is the scale in your bathroom creeping up? Are you a plumper version of your old self? AND/ you have injuries/pain which are keeping you from being able to workout the way you used to?
Ok,'re not alone. I promise. I hear it all the time. I have a suggestion for you.
Find 10 different movements that you can do pain free. Here are some suggestions:
Push Ups
Jumping Jacks
Jumping Rope
Jumping w/o the rope
Box Jumps
Elliptical Machine
Stair Climber
Exercise Bike
Box Dips
Wall Push Ups
Push Up Position Shoulder Taps
Calf Raises
Bird Dogs (cross crawl)
-there's an endless list of exercises that could be included
This is a version of step ups....most people can perform these pain free |
-Pick One Each day
-It has to be a pain free exercise
Now do the exercise for 30 seconds, as many repetitions as you can.
Now rest for 30 seconds.
30 seconds on, 30 second off. Go for 6 minutes. Work your way up to 10 minutes. Even 12 minutes.
Get your heart rate up. Count how many reps you perform in each 30 second segment. Attempt to match or top that in the next segment.
This is called High Intensity Interval Training. There are many forms of it, this is just one option. You can google "High Intensity Interval Training" and come up with thousands of options.
It's the most effective form of burning fat and maintaining muscle available.
Push Up Taps: Tap your hand to the opposite shoulder and switch. |
I highly recommend this if your age 10, age 70, or any age in between. Just don't do it if it hurts, select a simpler exercise. Don't let pain or injury or age stop you. Keep moving!
If you have any questions about any of these please email me at To schedule a personal appointment in Boca Raton, Fl dial my office at 561.997.8898. To check out more visit